115 088 Moscow,
14 bld. 2, str. Ugreshskaya
Phone/fax: +7(495)679-89-60/61
E-mail: info@elfa.ru

Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry: union and support


ELFA became a member of MCCI (Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry).

Established in 1991, the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) is a non-government, non-commercial organization, a part  of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry System of the Russian Federation. The legal basis of the MCCI activities is set forth in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Russian Federation”, the law of the City of Moscow “On the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry”, the MCCI Charter.

The primary objective of the MCCI is to provide support to the business community of Moscow, promote entrepreneurship in Moscow, and assist in building efficient cooperation between the business community and authorities.

The MCCI currently unites over 3200 companies representing various segments and sectors of the city’s economy – small and medium businesses, large enterprises, non-profit and educational organizations, overseas offices of foreign companies.